Friday, March 26, 2010

Jamie Oliver's "Food Revolution"

There is a new show starting on ABC that shows how far gone we've gone in our food consumption as American's called Jamie Oliver's "Food Revolution". There was a sneak preview this past Sunday and if you watched, I would imagine you were just as shocked at the ignorance of the people Jamie was working with as I was. I also believe that a good majority of us are just as ignorant and Jamie is doing this to enlighten us all.

Here is a preview of what you will see in this ground breaking show:

Over the next several weeks, you will see Jamie in Huntington, W. Va, considered the most unhealthy city in the US. While he is there, he is going to be working with schools, families and the town overall to help them overcome this title. While he is doing this, I'm sure he will be educating the whole country as well.

Just from the one hour preview on Sunday night, I can't help but be amazed at how little we as a country know about what we are putting in our bodies. There is a point where Jamie has boxes of frozen, processed meats that are on the menu for the school he is working at. He is sitting there with the lunch ladies (cooks, as they want to be called.....) and asks them if they recongize any of the ingredients on the boxes. Alice, the most outspoken of the lunch ladies, points to the list of ingredients that looks to be around 20 ingredients long, and says "Chicken breast, first ingredient" and "Ground beef, first ingredient" and "Potatoes, first ingredient". As if what is second or third or fifteenth doesn't really matter. If you want to eat chicken, eat chicken, not something that just lists it as the first ingredient.

Something else I noticed about these lunch ladies is that they were all at least overweight, if not obese. I know that some people have the frame of mind that "It hasn't killed me yet" and "I've always eaten this food and look how I've turned out!" (which usually makes me think, yeah, just look at how you've turned out....).

This show is going to be on ABC, Friday nights, starting on March 26th at 8PM/7PM Central.
If you aren't able to watch at this time, set your DVR or catch the episode at

Jamie also has a petition on his website, that needs to be signed to show support for his mission. You can check it out here:

Please sign the petition, because in order for this country to get to a state of health, we need people that are willing to stand up for us, like Jamie Oliver.

I plan to continue to recap the shows and starting a discussion on how we all can help with this mission over the next several weeks. Let me know what you think and what you plan to do to make the change.


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