Thursday, January 28, 2010

Shakeology Tips, Tricks & FAQ

Once people look into what Shakeology is all about, or have talked to myself or someone who has had amazing results, it is hard to deny that it is something that works. That being said, there are a few things you can to do make sure you are getting everything you can from your daily Shakeology shake.

If you haven't heard my story yet, here it is:

I was getting back into working out and had some really incredible goals set for myself. I had just started as a Beachbody coach when I began hearing about this new product called Shakeology and how it was going to be the greatest, most nutritional and best tasting shake that has ever been made. Although I'm pretty much an optimist and look at the pros in everything, a part of me was a little "Yeah right, all products say that."

So, Shakeology was released and I kept going into the store to look at it and see if I wanted to really plop down the money for it. I didn't buy it for at least a couple of months. I kept reading people's posts on Facebook and the Team Beachbody about how people were losing weight, having more energy, better digestion and the works. Intrigued, to say the least.

This did peak my interest and convinced me that I could at least try it for a month and see what happens. The worst that would happen would be being out some money but it was worth the risk to try it for 30 days. This was before I realized there was a 30 day money back guarantee!

The next big decision was between Greenberry and Chocolate. I do love fruit smoothies, so I would probably like the Greenberry. But, chocolate is a big weakness and having a chocolate shake for breakfast or lunch would be so nice! I had some chocolate protein powder left though, so went for the Greenberry.

A few days go by and I'm at home working on my computer when the UPS guy pulls up to leave a box on my porch. It was my Greenberry! I hadn't had lunch yet and was seriously considering a nap, but really wanted to try it, right that minute! I tore open the box and read the directions. It said to use 1 scoop in 8 oz of water, milk or juice. I got out the blender, got 8 oz of water, 1 scoop and some ice and blended! Once it was done, I poured it into a tall glass and first reaction was that it looked like a Shamrock shake. But, everyone keeps talking about how yummy it is and how great it makes them feel. I took a big drink and..... It was only okay.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't think it was gross, but on first try, did not feel it lived up to the hype. I finished the glass and was going to finish a couple things before going to take my nap. Well, after 30 minutes, I no longer had any interest in a nap because I had so much energy! What the heck? Had to be the Shakeology, because I haven't felt like that from any coffee, tea or anything else in I can't tell you how long. If it was going to give me that much energy, then I was definitely going to have to do something to make it taste better so I can really enjoy it.

I told this to my coach Taryn, and her first suggestion was to not use water. She suggested almond milk, which I had none of, so I went to the store to get some. One thing I love about the almond milk is the unsweetened is only 40 calories for a cup, so you can enjoy it without adding too many extra calories. You can also get it in regular, vanilla and chocolate. And, it has as much protein and calcium as dairy milk (which I personally don't drink). I also picked up some strawberries and blueberries to add to the shake. The shake I made on day 2 was like pure heaven! It was the best shake/smoothie I had ever made!

I have now been using Shakeology practically everyday for several months. I have been able to maintain my weight (pretty much at my goal weight). I took it with me when I went to Boy Scout camp for 7 days; travel of any kind really messes with my digestion, but I came home feeling just great in that area. Having the shakes once or twice a day really helped in the digestion area (and let me tell you, the food they served did not, in any way, help with that!).

I have recommended it to friends and have one that has even lost 20 lbs. since she started using it! So I am here to tell you that it really is all that and if you are looking to improve your health in any manner, you deserve to try this out for 30 days. With a money back guarantee, you really can't lose and I'm confident that you will realize that after a month.

Helpful hints, tips and tricks

First, lets go with the don'ts:
  • Don't use only water, unless that is all you have available- most people don't like it this way.
  • Don't use it for only a few days. Max results start showing up after a few weeks.
  • Don't use only 8 oz of liquid- most people think this makes it too thick. 
  • Don't try to just stir it. Shake it in a shaker or better yet, blend in a blender.
Now the do's:
  • Do experiment with different ways to make it.
  • Do have  it for one meal or snack a day for best results.
  • Do add in some extra fiber, if you feel that is necessary for you.
Now that you have some ideas of what Shakeology is and what to do and not do with it, here are some tried and true recipes to make the best Shakeology shakes ever!

Peanut Butter Cup Shake
1 c unsweetened chocolate almond milk
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1/2 c water 
2 T. PB2 powdered peanut butter

Add all to blender & blend!

This is my favorite way to make the Chocolate Shakeology, and I've been known to make a second one because I down the first one so fast!

SUNRISE – Antioxidant Special
¼ c. fresh orange juice
1 c. unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 scoop Greenberry Shakeology powder
3/4 cup water
Ice to taste

Sometimes I'll add frozen strawberries, blueberries &/or banana to this one.

1.5 scoop Chocolate Shakeology powder
1 banana
1 T almond or peanut butter (or to taste)
ice to taste
8oz water

Here is one that I have not yet tried, but am really excited to. Thinking I might make it this coming weekend and I'll keep you posted!
Shakeology Pie Recipe
•1 container tofu, silken or firm (approx 12 oz)
•1 and 1/2 scoops Chocolate Shakeology
•1/2 cup peanut butter, natural (no sugar)
•2 tbsp soy milk
•1 pre-made pie crust…Whole Foods has Whole Grain, Graham Cracker like pie crusts that are fantastic for this!
Blend together the peanut butter, silken tofu, chocolate Shakeology and soy milk in blender until smooth and creamy, adding a bit more soy milk if necessary. Pour into pie crust and refrigerate until firm, at least one hour.

So there you go. Now it's time to get with me to order your Shakeology. You can buy a weeks worth for $30 to try before you get your months worth. Or better yet, you can go ahead and get the months worth and get started right away! Be sure to sign up for Home Direct, because you will get free shipping and a free Shakeology, The Workout DVD to round out your Shakeology experience. Let me know what questions you have and how you like your Shakeology!


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