Saturday, October 3, 2009

Women of Iron: More Ageless Wonders

I just read this article from the "Burn The Fat" blog, & I am utterly amazed. These two women featured in this article are truly an inspiration. They are certainly going to stay front & center in my mind when I start to get down on myself. I just wanted to repost this for others to see & get inspired too!

Women of Iron: More Ageless Wonders
Tom Venuto

Would you like to have a body that looks at least 10 years younger, maybe even 15-20 years younger? Or if you’re currently a teen or twenty-something, would you like to keep your body looking hot when you get older? Last week I posted proof that it’s possible through the bodybuilding lifestyle, showing a video of 74-year old masters bodybuilding champion. Although it drew gasps and wows and inspired the crowd, it also drew some skepticism… mostly from women who didn’t think it was likely or possible for their gender. Au contraire mon fraire! Read on for pictures and proof…

In my post last week I wrote, “After you check out this video of a 74-year old championship winning bodybuilder, I don’t EVER want to hear the excuse ‘I’m too old’ ever again!”

Wouldn’t you know it - I heard excuses anyway. A couple of bozos were saying “steroids” (which I will rant about another day), but namely the excuse was: “But I’m female!!!”

A Burn The Fat Blog reader wrote:

“How about a woman that old since women have a lot more “fat” or “body fat” than men. I’m sure it’s still inspiring but as a 44 year old woman forever fighting the middle age spread, I’d like to see a 74 year old woman.”

OK, you asked for it.

Here’s my friend Jackie Lee. I’ve met her twice, once in New York and once in Los Angeles and on both occasions she was in great shape so I can vouch that there’s no photoshop going on here:
Jackie Lee at age 74

This photo was taken a couple years ago when Jackie was 74 (as requested, dear reader).

When you take care of yourself and start hitting some real workouts with some REAL IRON (lifting REAL WEIGHTS, that is), 44 years of age is not time for “middle aged spread”, it’s more like puberty - youre just starting to get developed.

I’ve known Jackie for some time now, as she is one of the “role models” profiled in the book, Fit Over 40: Role Models For Excellence At Any Age, which I co-authored with Life coach Jon Benson, a few years ago.

Inspired by the former Miss Olympia, Rachel McLish, Jackie took up weight lifting about 20 years ago when she was in her 50’s. She hasn’t stopped since.

Let me tell you, this lady is a ball of fire… what an inspiration! She is 74, but she looks 54.

Jackie does cartwheels out onto the stage and still does the splits. She told me she stopped doing her handstands a few years ago, but she’s going to start practicing again so she can add that into her routine too!

What’s even more striking is that Jackie has the mind and the ambition of a 22 year old. She insists that life can BEGIN at 70!

Jackie is not just a bodybuilder and fitness competitor, she is a vocalist who has performed at Carnegie hall, she’s also a yoga instructor, personal trainer, actress, acrobatic dancer, and motivational speaker!

Incredible! (I just LOVE people who bust bodybuilder and aging stereotypes, male or female)

“I guess I’m pretty ‘spry’”, says Jackie, “In fact, I plan to remain active my entire life - and live to be 120! Care to join me?”

It’s a shame, but some people are so pessimistic that I’m sure yet another reader is thinking (if not itching to post a comment) that Jackie is just another “rare case”… an “anomaly of nature” so to speak… or maybe just “great genetics” right?

Think again. These types of over 40, over 50, even over 60 success stories are getting more and more common as collective belief systems are starting to change with the passing generations.

May I introduce you to another friend of mine?:

Maxine Johnson is a masters fitness champion and mom in her late 50’s… with a body and level of fitness that could pass for 25 years younger.

Maxine took up the fitness lifestyle in her mid 30’s, was in the best shape of her life at age 40, competed in her first fitness competition at age 53 and was winning fitness and figure contests at age 56. She developed a fat-free, muscular, fit and fabulous bod after having three kids, holding down a job and managing life crises and stresses of all kinds, including the “joy” of menopause.

“It’s not just the accumulation of years that causes aging, says Maxine, “our age is more determined by the exercise we get or don’t get, by the kinds of foods we eat or don’t eat, and how we emotionally handle the ups and downs in life… There is no difference in how I feel when I work out now compared to 20 years ago. Nothing is more difficult — quite the contrary - I am stronger and more coordinated than ever now.”

Go ahead, just say, “WOW!”

MALE OR FEMALE, it doesn’t matter. Age is just a number and you are about as old as you think you are! If you believe you’ll be weak or fat or decrepit at age 74, or fighting middle aged spread age age 44, well then, I reckon you’ll be right!

I’d recommend that you change the way you think about age, because your behavior will always follow your beliefs.

To your health and longevity!

- Tom Venuto, author of:
Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle (ebook)
The Body Fat Solution (Hardcover )

PS. If you’re curious about how bodybuilders and female figure/fitness competitors eat and train to get so lean, check out Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle: Fat Burning Secrets of the World’s Best Bodybuilders and Fitness Models.

PPS. If you’d like to see and read the stories of more ageless role models, from 40 to 80, visit the FIT OVER 40 website to learn more about the book, Fit Over 40:Role Models For Excellence at Any Age (NOTE: Jackie Lee and Maxine Johnson are both profiled in Fit Over 40, along with more than 25 other women, including a 77 year old grandmother-bodybuilder who could probably kick your arse in the gym!)

PPPS. Look up Maxine Johnson online at: (Maxine is a trainer and fitness coach working out of the Seattle WA area).


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