Sunday, October 25, 2009

Do you know what's in your pantry?

There are so many intelligent people writing amazing articles, that sometimes it is just better to hear directly from them instead. So, here is one that I really wanted to pass along to my readers:

by Taryn Perry

What's in your pantry can make you or break you.

What most people think is healthy and wholesome, is 8 times out of 10, wrong. What we fail to realize, that many of the "snacks" and easy food items we tend to grab at the grocery story, are processed. You know what exists in most processed food?

Monosodium Glutamate. One might say, "Mono, what?" Right, exactly. Otherwise known as MSG.

It's found in majority of processed foods, although now, most food manufactuers are getting creatived at how to disguise it in their product. Strict FDA rules require them to itemize the ingredients in the products, but they've left a loop hole for these manufactuers to find alternative ways to imbed these harmful ingredients so we look it right over.

From a favorite website,, here are some key ingredients that contain, or are, MSG:

Autolyzed Yeast

Calcium Caseinate



Glutamic Acid

Hydrolyzed Protein

Monopotassium Glutamate

Monosodium Glutamate

Sodium Caseinate

Textured Protein

Yeast Extract

Yeast Food

Yeast Nutrient

MSG, and like ingredients can do so much harm on our health. It's paramount to rid your pantry of food items that contain this morbid ingredient(s); Monosodium Glutamate. Here are just a few side effects from regular consuption of MSG ingredients:

* Obesity
* Eye damage
* Headaches
* Fatigue and disorientation
* Depression

To educate yourself further on the effects of MSG and like ingredients, I highly recommend you review Mercola's site and specifically, his article directly related to the harmful effects of MSG consumption. The article can be found by following this link:

Carefully read what's in the food product you put in your grocery cart. You'll be surprised at how what may seem healthy and low-fat, could be more harmful than anything. A great way to avoid fruits, vegetables and grains from your local farmer's market and eat a raw diet as much as possible.


Frank on October 26, 2009 at 12:51 PM said...

Other ingredients you should add to the list:
Parmesan cheese
Soy sauce
Human breast milk
Virtually anything with protein

Better yet, try reaching for some common sense. In the 100 years MSG has been widely used in Japan, they have become the longest-living and healthiest people on earth. I fully agree that processed foods are unhealthy, but MSG is not the bogeyman you make it out to be.

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