Sunday, May 9, 2010


Overall, as a country and even a world, we are fat. Plain and simple. Sorry for not beating around the bush, but it's true. And the fact that we are so fat is the largest contributing factor to the serious health crisis facing us today. The fact that the big corporations are lobbying Congress to get subsidies and tax breaks to keep their crappy food cheap makes cash strapped Americans torn between saving money by buying the cheap crappy frankenfood or spend more for the healthy, organic, real, whole foods that will keep us healthy. When we fill our bodies with things that provide no nutrients but loads of calories, our bodies stay hungry until it is satisfied with real nutrients. So we end up consuming tons more calories than we really need but starving our bodies of nutrients at the same time.

Add to that the fact that we sit on our fat butts way more than we should, regardless how many calories we eat. We sit in front of the TV watching shows or playing video games, we sit in front of computers, we drive everywhere, regardless how close it is. Our kids' schools cut PE programs to save money because they are forced to make cutbacks. No matter how you look at it, we are not moving to the level our bodies need in order to maintain optimal health.

That is why I, Rebecca Ingham, have decided to start a "Fitness Revolution". We need more opportunities to get out and get some exercise in. We need to challenge our bodies and minds to push beyond whatever limits we set upon ourselves. We need someone who is caring enough to help us but tough enough to push us when we want to give up. That person, in this sense, is me and I want to invite you to join my "Fitness Revolution". There are a couple of ways you can do that.

  1. Go to if you are in the Central Iowa area to find when and where classes will be held. If you are not in the Central Iowa area, you can still get help from me by going to and clicking the "Join" tab then choosing to sign up as a FREE member or join THE CLUB for $2.99 a week (billed quarterly). You can look at the comparison chart to see which will best fit your needs. Then you can pick a Beachbody program or hire me as a virtual personal trainer for $29.99 a month or $274.99 a year (let me know if you are interested in this option and we will set up a time for the intitial consultation and set up the plan).
  2. You can also become partner (or fellow soldier, as I like to call those that have joined me) in this mission by becoming a coach with Beachbody and taking health and fitness into your community or helping me bring it to Central Iowa. I can help you every step of the way. For more information on becoming a coach and taking the revolution to your area, email me at with your name, phone number, best time to call you and why you want to be part of the Fitness Revolution or go to and click "Coach" and sign up after reading the information on the website. Alone, I can do this, but will never reach as many people as we can as a group.
The time is now to make changes in your life. We all put things off too long, telling ourselves "I'll start exercising when....." or "I'll start eating better on Monday" or "My grandma lived to be 95 and smoked and was overweight and...." blah, blah, blah..... The only time we have is this moment and every time we let the moments pass us by, we miss the opportunity to make changes in our lives that can seriously change our future and that of our family. Stop making excuses and join me as a participant, solider or best yet, both!!!


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