Friday, February 26, 2010

20 Minute Tabata Cardio Workout

This is based on the Tabata method- 20 seconds intense cardio with 10 seconds rest. Set your Gymboss timer for 20/10 on auto, do 8 rounds of each, and expect massive calorie burn!

  1. 8 rounds Jump Rope with High Knees (4 minutes)
  2. 8 rounds Burpees (4 minutes)
  3. 8 rounds Jump Lunges (4 minutes)
  4. 8 rounds Long Jump forward and 2 jumps back (4 minutes)
  5. 8 rounds Jump Forward one leg, jump back other leg (4 minutes)
This is 20 minutes of intense workout. This should not be done everyday and don't do strength training during the same workout, unless you are a true bad ass!

Be sure to cool off properly, do your stretching exercises and finish off with an awesome Recovery Drink!

Let me know what you think, what you liked about it and what you found the most challenging. Happy workout! :)

What is Tabata Training?

I've been hearing for awhile now about interval training, as well as advising my training clients about this way of training in order to get maximum results. The Beachbody programs revolve around this way of training as well, which can definitely be seen in programs like Insanity, for example.

One way of training that I've just learned about is called Tabata. Tabata was developed by a man named Izumi Tabata at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. They did a study on comparing the effects of moderate intensity endurance(aerobics) and high endurance intermittent training (tabata training intervals) on VO2 max and anerobic capacity and found that results are greater when using intervals as opposed to steady paced workouts.

Tabata training can be done using strength training, cardio or a combination of both. You will do 8 rounds of an exercise, 20 seconds high intensity, 10 seconds rest, for a total of 4 minutes. You will need a timer (my favorite is the Gymboss) to keep track of your time and rounds.

Gymboss Interval Timer

There are many ways to set up your Tabata workout, but you can find one of my favorites here.

Tabata training is for everyone, but true beginners may need to work at a 15/15 time or even 10/20. But don't cheat yourself; work at the 20/10 as soon as you can. That way you will see the results you want as quickly as possible.

Let me know how you are using Tabata, what you like about it and what is challenging for you. I'd love to hear how it is working for everyone!

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Truth About Your Slow Metabolism

You probably know someone who can eat everything in sight, but still struggles to keep weight on. I don't know about you, but I can't do that. My metabolism certainly doesn't allow it — and I am guessing yours doesn't either. So where does a slowpoke metabolism come from and how do you change it? You probably want to blame bad genes for your metabolism. Sure, blame your parents! That's the easy way out. Genes are only a piece of the picture — it's the choices you make every day that are to blame. Wise up and take the responsibility yourself!

When we starve ourselves on yo-yo diets, eat processed foods, surround ourselves with toxins, work beyond the point of exhaustion, all these choices influence the way our metabolism processes food, burns calories, and regulates weight. To learn how to manipulate our biochemistry to our benefit, we have to understand how our hormones have already been manipulated to our detriment. Here are some of the ways.

Too many lazy years: You've spent a lot of time on the couch. Don't blame your lagging metabolism just because you never exercised.

Too many yo-yo diets: Instead of maintaining a stable weight, you've developed a frustrating up-and-down weight-loss pattern. You know the drill: You've repeatedly gone on extreme diets and lost weight, then you've slipped back into your old ways of eating and regained that weight.

Too many of the same foods, all processed: You've consumed frakenfoods that your body doesn't recognize as real food — because they're not!

Too many pesticides in our food: Some farmers spray harmful pesticides on our food, and you've chosen those over organic foods.

Too many toxins in our environment: More than 100,000 synthetic chemicals have been registered for commercial use — with 2,000 more added each year — but very few of them have been tested adequately for toxicity. You've been exposed to many synthetic chemicals in products in and around your home.

Too many bad bugs — and not enough good ones: You've tried to rid yourselves of pests with an onslaught of antibacterial products, which is pointless and not beneficial for the healthy functioning of your immune system.

Too many hours at work — and not enough in bed: You've let yourself get stressed out. Stress is like kryptonite for your hormones — even just a bit of it can throw them entirely out of whack.

Too many pharmaceuticals — even in our water: You've taken prescriptions dashed off by your doctor and haven't always checked out how they might interact with certain herbs, vitamins, or other supplements or prescriptions. All these pharmaceuticals could have a serious impact on your hormonal health.

Too many cigarettes: You've ignored all the medical findings on the damage smoking can cause. Smoking negatively impacts endocrine glands, which produce hormones, in addition to pretty much every cell in your body.

Basically too much, period! Yes, there is no denying that we are struggling with an environment that conspires to make and keep us fat. But you have the power to do something about it! You need to realize that your metabolism and hormones can start working for you again — just clean up your act with a healthy home and healthy eating, and you'll be able to tip the balance toward staying naturally skinny.

The Truth About Your Slow Metabolism

SOURCE: From LOSING IT! With Jillian Michaels

7 Days, 7 Lunches

Lunchtime's a real danger zone for most people trying to lose weight and keep their bodies—not to mention their wallets—in shape. For most of us, lunch happens somewhere in or around the workplace, which means looming nutritional and financial disasters if there isn't a brown-bagging strategy in place. If I don't bring my lunch to the Beachbody® office, there are always the siren songs of the nearby McDonald's®, KFC®, and Wienerschnitzel® to reduce my bank account and expand my waistline. Or I could take the marginally healthier approach of buying the $10 salads from the lunch guy who shows up at the office, yet another semi-delicious path to financial ruin.

The best choice is to make your own lunch. You control what goes into the meal and what goes into your body. Instead of the artificial colors, flavors, and various incarnations of high fructose corn syrup you get from the local fast food chain, you can fill your plate with fresh whole foods that will energize your body and save you a ton of money. As my grandfather used to say, there's no point putting your paycheck through your stomach. So here are some healthy ideas to get you through the day with high energy and low cost.

Note: All nutritional information is for one serving.

Sunday: Tuna and White Bean Salad

Tuna and White Bean SaladOn Sundays, I like to make a big batch of soup or a salad that will keep for a few days, so I have leftovers for the week. While it's noble to attempt to prepare a fresh lunch from scratch every evening or morning, schedules and snooze alarms can sidetrack the best-laid plans. It's nice to have a big bowl of something in the fridge as a backup, so that if I sleep through the alarm bell in the morning, I won't drive through the Taco Bell® in the afternoon. This recipe's a great source of protein and fiber, and if you want to improvise, it's a great way to use up leftover veggies in the fridge. This meal is good for up to 2 days after you make it.

  • 2 6-oz. cans of water-packed tuna (reduce olive oil amount if using oil-packed tuna)
  • 2 cups canned white cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 red onion, chopped
  • 1 cucumber, chopped
  • 2 plum tomatoes, diced
  • 1/2 cup canned or jarred artichoke hearts, chopped (reduce olive oil amount if using oil-marinated artichoke)
  • 1 bunch parsley, stemmed and chopped
  • 1 tsp. fresh rosemary, minced
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 2 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 3 Tbsp. lemon juice (or more to taste)
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Mix first eight ingredients in a large bowl. Mix garlic, olive oil, and lemon juice in a small bowl or cruet with salt and pepper to taste. Toss garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, and salt and pepper mixture with first eight ingredients. Serves 4. (For extra zip and fiber, serve on a bed of raw arugula or spinach leaves.)

Preparation time: 15 to 20 minutes

Nutritional information (per serving):

37212 grams40 grams11 grams33 grams

Monday: Turkey Avocado Wrap

Turkey Avocado WrapSomewhere between a pita and a tortilla, a lavash is a low-fat wrap from the Middle East. They're typically lower in carbs than pitas and lower in fat than tortillas, but not all lavash wraps are created equal. When you're shopping, read the label to make sure your dietary requirements are being met. Try to find whole wheat versions. Some brands also augment the protein and fiber contents or add flavors like spinach or sun-dried tomato (which add more color than nutritive value). This is a great way to repurpose leftovers like chicken, turkey, or tofu. You can make some delicious combos using what's in the fridge, or try this recipe. (Joseph's whole wheat lavash used in this recipe.)

  • 1 lavash wrap
  • 1/2 avocado, mashed
  • 4 slices (3 oz.) deli-style turkey breast or (2 oz.) firm tofu
  • 2 slices low-fat Swiss cheese
  • 1/4 cup arugula
  • 1/2 tomato, chopped
  • 2 thin slices red onion

Spread mashed avocado on flattened lavash. Layer remaining ingredients on top of lavash.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Nutritional information (per serving):

46020 grams31 grams14 grams45 grams

Tuesday: Healthy Chicken Caesar Salad

Chicken Caesar SaladIf you know Michi's Ladder, you might remember that Caesar salad is way down on Tier 4, the Dodgy Tier. What gives? It's a salad, right? Yeah, but when it's all glopped up with mayonnaise-y dressing and deep-fried croutons, it's not really much in the nutrition department. This recipe uses a tofu-based dressing, so you get extra protein instead of extra fat and calories. You won't taste the difference. And if you skip the chicken, this makes a great vegetarian meal or side dish. The dressing also makes a great sandwich spread or veggie dip.

Tofu-Caesar Dressing

  • 1 package (10 oz.) soft silken tofu
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce (use anchovy-free sauce, if you're vegetarian)
  • 2 Tbsp. Dijon mustard
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 2 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 tsp. cracked black pepper
  • 3 Tbsp. Parmesan cheese, grated

Mix all ingredients in a blender or a food processor until creamy. Makes 16 2-tablespoon servings.

Nutritional information (per serving):

403 grams1 gram<>3 grams


  • 3 cups romaine lettuce, torn
  • 1 skinless, boneless chicken breast, broiled and diced
  • 1/2 cup whole wheat croutons
  • 2 Tbsp. of Tofu-Caesar Dressing
  • 2 Tbsp. Parmesan cheese
  • Fresh ground pepper

Toss lettuce, chicken, and croutons with dressing. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese and ground pepper on top.

Total Preparation Time: 15 minutes (less if dressing is already prepared)

3119 grams18 grams4 grams39 grams

Wednesday: Shakeology® Oatmeal

Chocolate Shakeology Packet and Jar of OatmealAt Beachbody, there's usually some Shakeology around, so if I've forgotten my lunch, I often improvise with some Shakeology and whatever ingredients I can scrounge (but no stealing from the office fridge—not cool!). This mixture of instant oatmeal, peanut butter, and Shakeology ends up tasting a lot like cookie dough. That would have been the lunch of choice as a kid, but now it's good for me!

  • 1 cup unflavored instant oatmeal, prepared
  • 1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
  • 1 Tbsp. peanut butter, unsalted and unsweetened
  • 1 Tbsp. flaxseeds

Prepare one packet of oatmeal. Now listen up—this is important. LET THE OATMEAL COOL to a little higher or lower than room temperature. If you add the Shakeology when the oatmeal's too hot, you'll kill the healthy enzymes in every scoop, and you don't want that on your conscience. After the oatmeal is cool enough, mix in the Shakeology, peanut butter, and flaxseeds, and eat!

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Nutritional information (per serving):

43015 grams51 grams10 grams28 grams

Thursday: Lentil and Feta Salad

Lentil and Feta SaladLentils contain lots of healthy protein, and are tasty and economical. They're also good sources of iron, as well as of other vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. And they come in different colors, including red, green, and brown, so you can make a salad as appealing to the eye as to the palate. This Middle Eastern-style recipe makes for a filling lunch, or you could have half a portion with half of Monday's Turkey Avocado Wrap. If you use canned lentils, try to find low-sodium varieties. Your best bet is to cook dried ones the night before. You can also boil the lentils with a bay leaf or other spices in for extra flavor.

  • 3 cups cooked or canned lentils
  • 1 cup feta cheese, crumbled
  • 1 cucumber, diced
  • 3 stalks celery, diced
  • 2 cups cherry tomatoes, quartered
  • 1 red bell pepper, diced
  • 1 small red onion, diced
  • 1/2 cup parsley, chopped
  • 1/4 cup mint leaves, chopped
  • 1/3 cup lemon juice
  • 3 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp. dried thyme
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Combine first nine ingredients in a large bowl. Whisk together the olive oil, lemon juice, thyme, and salt and pepper, and toss with first nine ingredients. Cover and refrigerate for an hour or two. You can eat it as soon as it's done, but it just gets better the longer the flavors combine. The next day is the best! Makes 4 servings.

Preparation time: 20 minutes (mostly chopping)

Nutritional information (per serving):

42419 grams45 grams16 grams21 grams

Friday: Pita Party

Pita PartyThis is a great desk lunch. It's like having a cocktail party at your desk (minus the cocktails). You can combine the ingredients so that no two bites are the same. For a busy day without time for a proper sit-down lunch, this is a good way to graze. If you have a bento box–style container with compartments, this is a perfect time to bust it out. The fat and salt contents of hummus vary greatly by brand, so if you don't make your own from scratch (we'll have a recipe in an upcoming newsletter), make sure you read the nutrition label. To reduce the caloric content even more, invite a coworker to your party! (If they don't have tzatziki at the store, combine 1 cup of nonfat yogurt with one minced garlic clove, half a chopped cucumber, fresh chopped dill, and salt to taste.)

  • 1 whole wheat pita, quartered
  • 1/2 cup hummus
  • 1 cup tzatziki
  • Optional: Cut-up carrots, celery, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, cherry tomatoes, etc.

Bring containers of hummus and tzatziki to work, and dip pita pieces in either or both of them. Bring your favorite crudité-style veggies and dip them as well for a sinless end-of-the-week treat.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Nutritional information (per serving, not counting veggies):

51114 grams71 grams13 grams30 grams

Saturday: Mini-Pizzas

Mini-Pizza IngredientsThis recipe is from my friend Ali, who is allergic to gluten, but has found a way to still enjoy pizza on the weekend without the gluten, and without a lot of the fat and calories of store-bought or delivery pizzas. Try this recipe with your own favorite toppings. It's also a great recipe for kids.

  • 1 spelt or brown-rice tortilla
  • 2 Tbsp. tomato sauce
  • 2 Tbsp. fresh basil, chopped
  • 1/4 cup mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/4 cup chicken breast, chopped
  • 1/4 cup part-skim mozzarella (or soy cheese), shredded
  • 4 tomato slices

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Lightly toast the tortilla. Be careful not to overcook it—just a couple of minutes, enough to give it the structural integrity to hold the toppings. After you've toasted the tortilla, spread the tomato sauce thinly on top. Add basil, mushrooms, and chicken, and finally top with cheese and tomato slices. Return to oven for 5 minutes or until cheese has melted. Let cool slightly and serve. It's so low in calories, you could even have two!

Preparation time: 10 to 15 minutes

Nutritional information (per serving):

31012 grams35 grams2 grams14 grams

Feel free to eat any of these lunches on any day of the week. And repeat your favorites. Most of these can be integrated into your favorite Beachbody meal plan, including P90X®. Come back next week for part three of our series and get recipes for 7 Days, 7 Dinners. Bon appétit!

Written by Joe Wilkes and can be found on

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Here's to the crazy ones!

"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things
differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for
the status quo.

You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them,
disbelieve them, glorify them or vilify them. About the only thing you
can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They
imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push
the human race forward.

Maybe they have to be crazy. How else can you
stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art? Or sit in silence and
hear a song that's never been written? Or gaze at a red planet and see
a laboratory on wheels? We make tools for these kinds of people. While
some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.

Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the
world, are the ones who do."
- Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple Computer

Rebecca Ingham

Ask me how you can get paid to get fit & healthy!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Shakeology Recipes

Sometimes (okay, maybe a lot of times) there are blogs written by other people that really are better than anything I could write, that I just want to share it and give credit where credit is due. This is written by Beachbody's very own Chalene Johnson, maker of Turbo Jam and ChaLEAN Extreme. You can find her blog here.

Now, after reading Chalene's review and the amazing recipes she has listed you just can't hold out any longer and HAVE to have some Shakeology, you can buy the 30 day pack here (be sure to choose Home Direct for FREE shipping and FREE gift, Shakeology, The Workout DVD) or go here to buy a 4 day or 7 day sample pack.

by Chalene on April 7, 2009

Okay, who are these people who don’t know how to “customize” their Shakeologies? I talked to a guy today who told me he didn’t like the taste of Shakeology. Really?? I asked him how he prepared it. He said, I added water and put it in a shaker. Um, hello… duh! That’s like buying broccoli, taking a bit of it raw and saying it’s “just okay” or boiling a breast of chicken in tap water and thinking it tasted kinda boring. People… really. Get a dose of creativity will ya??? Allow the queen of concoctions to assist.

Directions: Add ingredients into a blender, secure the lid and blend to your desired consistency. Some people like their shakes really juicey (more liquid) and some like them thick and foamy. I like something in the middle, but I add a ton of ice and water so that the whole thing is far more filling and not quite so strong. Keeps me full for hours and I love, love the taste. Most of these recipes are from the Beachbody message boards, mixed with a few of my own. Add more ice and more water if you like your shake to be more abundant.

Also, check out the benefits of Almond milk. Super low in cal, and you can find it in the powdered milk section of your grocery, in the non dairy section, not the cold milk area.

Orange Julius
1 scoop GreenBerry
1 cup of water
1/2 cup almond milk
1 packet Crystal light Sugar free “Classic Orange” or “Sunrise”
Ice (I put in like 2 cups of ice)

1.5 scoop Chocolate Shakeology powder
1 banana
1 Tbsp almond or peanut butter (or to taste)
ice to taste
8oz water

SUNRISE – Antioxidant Special
¼ cup fresh orange juice
1 scoop Berry Shakeology powder
3/4 cup water
Ice to taste

Most people have been able to kick their am coffee habit completely with Shakeology. I have to agree that after 2 weeks I could not believe how strong I felt even 50 minutes into my workouts! Wow! Coffee always just makes me crash later. But I do love the taste of it! I really do, so I understand why people would want to mix instant coffee with their Shakeology. Just remember that it needs to be added cold so as not to disrupt the delicate balance of nutrients in this masterful mix.

Mocha Madness
1 cup water
1/2 almond milk
1 cup of water with 1 tbsp instant coffee disovled – pour over ice after it disolves!
then add 1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology powder
Ice to taste
Sweeten if desired :)

1/2 cup frozen strawberries
½ cup frozen peaches
1 scoop Berry Shakeology powder
3/4 cup water
Ice to taste

Chocolate covered bananas
1/2 banana
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology powder
1/2 cup water
¼ cup non-fat soy, rice or almond milk
Ice to taste

Yogo Berry Blast
8- oz water
1- scoop of greenberry shakeology
1- cup of frozen mixed berries
1- 4 oz container of Dannon Light & Fit yogurt vanillia

Reeses PB Cup
1 Tbsp natural almond or peanut butter
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology powder
3/4 cup water
1/2 cup Almond Milk
Ice to taste

1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology powder
1 cup water
1/2 almond milk
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
Ice to taste

½ cup combined frozen blueberries and blackberries
1 tsp fresh orange juice
1 Tbsp non-fat blueberry yogurt
1 scoop Berry Shakeology powder
3/4 cup of water

Cap’n Crunch O’ GreenBerry
1 scoop Greenberry
2 cups of Cap’ n’ Crunch Ceral
1/2 heavy whipping cream
1 cup Vanilla Haagen Dazs Icecream
1/2 cup of granulated sugar
1/2 cup strawberry cornsyrup
ice to taste
Top with Whip Cream
(just kidding!! You’ve been jammed! Simply trying to keep you on your toes! )

¼ cup sliced strawberries
¼ cup GreenBerry Shakeology powder
¼ cup non-fat soy, rice or almond milk
½ cup water
Ice to taste

Tropical Banana Berry
1 Scoop Greenberry
1/2 cup Unsweetened almond milk
1/2 banana
2oz of 100% Pineapple juice

Strawberry, Choco PB Banana
1 Scoop of Chocolate
8 oz water
1/2 banana
1 tbsp of peanut butter
Frozen strawberries

Kids and Shakeology:
I don’t know that Beachbody has officially listed their position on serving Shakeology to children and the appropriate dosages, servings and frequency. I can only speak for myself and say that it’s far better than the zero GREEN my 12 year old son was eating before Shakeology came along. The only veggie we could get him to consume without gagging and running for the bathroom was corn and come on…is corn really a vegetable? Cierra loves her fruits and veggies. Brock HATES ‘em! This kid wont even eat an apple. So this has been a God -send. However, parents, this takes some STRATEGIC PLANNING on your part. If you have a “picky eater”,don’t think for a second you’re going to be able to add ice and water to the mix and your kid is going to beg for more! Be smart! Baby steps! Remember when you weened them off of baby food to “real food”. Same thing! Ween them on to it. The first shake I served to Brock was anything but low cal! It was very much so a delicious desert… by design…but he still got his veggies in! I added some the tastiest of ingredients I could find… just to get him to love it AND to agree to have one every day. After that first shake I slowly started cutting back on the “yum yum stuff” but in small doses so he didn’t notice. Now he’s drinking a pretty healthy version and still loving it! Baby Steps!

I call this technique the “Bait and Switch”

Okay…so what was in that first “bait and switch” shake? Fat free vanilla yogurt, a big ‘ol scoop of peanut butter, sugar free chocolate sauce, almond milk, half of a banana and honey for added sweetness! For real! Shut up! Save it! I don’t want to hear it, because it worked and the next time I made him one it was much healthier and far less calorie dense, but with picky eaters, that first taste is critical!!! I had to win him at the first sip. You have to win over your picky eaters or your dead in the water! (Right Moms?) So the next one I just cut back on all the yummy ingredients and added more ice. Slowly, over the course of the month I got him to the point that I’m just putting a 1/2 cup of Fat Free Fro Yo, Almond milk and 1/4 banana and tsp of Peanut butter. It’s magical! He’s totally asking for them by name and talking all of his friends into drinking it! He’ll make an awesome coach one day!

Some Fun things to add to your Shakeology:
To switch up your flavor experiences, and boost your smoothie benefits, you can add:
1 scant tsp fresh orange juice will add a bright flavor punch!
1 Squeeze fresh lemon or lime is a very happy addition to the berry smoothies!
1Tbsp of organic nut butter peanut, cashew, almond, hazelnut are great)
Cinnamon is noted to suppress appetite and level out glycemic levels after meals.
1 Tbsp non-fat yogurt adds satisfying body to the smoothie.

Fruits that taste great in your shake:
Pears, Asian Pears, Korean Pears

Shakeology® – Frequently Asked Questions…ANSWERED!

I am often asked about Shakeology, since it is such a phenomenal product that is literally changing peoples lives. There are many questions that people ask that can be answered here, but if your question is not here, please feel free to ask!

When will Shakeology be available for sale in Canada?

As of May 7, 2009, we are able to ship Shakeology orders to Canada.

Should I continue to take Activit® or other multivitamins along with Shakeology?

Because of the way Shakeology is formulated, one shake pretty much covers your body’s normal daily requirement for vitamins and minerals. However, if you’re following a recommended exercise routine, your body is likely using up those nutrients at a faster rate. For example, if you’re doing P90X® or ChaLEAN Extreme®, hard-charging routines that burn more calories along with vitamins and minerals, you may need some additional supplementation—like Activit. Due to the digestive enzymes in Shakeology, taking Activit at the same time you drink Shakeology will help your body to better absorb all the nutrients.

Can I take Shakeology and P90X Peak Health Formula?

If you are using P90X Peak Health Formula, then only 1 serving/scoop of Shakeology is recommended per day. If you are taking any other supplements in addition to Shakeology and P90X Peak Health Formula, then watch your total intake to ensure you do not exceed Tolerable Upper Intake Levels for copper, magnesium, manganese, and zinc. The Tolerable Upper Intake Level for Copper is 10mg/day, for Magnesium 350 mg/day, for Manganese 11 mg/day, and for Zinc 40mg/day.

I already have some Meal Replacement Shake. Should I throw it out and switch to Shakeology?

You don’t have to throw it out. Meal Replacement Shake is a high-quality protein shake. Shakeology offers a wide array of nutrients on top of protein. Because Meal Replacement Shake has higher sugar content and less fiber, a good time to use it is around the time you are exercising (Results and Recovery is also good for this purpose). Shakeology is a better option for a meal that’s at least 2 hours before a workout or 1 hour afterwards.

Can I take this and the Results and Recovery Formula?

Yes, but not together! Results and Recovery Formula should only be taken during or after exercise when you’ve been exhausting your body’s blood sugar. At any other time, Shakeology would be your preferred option.

Should I still take an omega supplement?

While the flax seed and Chia seeds in Shakeology provide some omega-3 fatty acids, it is still recommended you take the Core Omega-3™ supplement to meet your daily requirement.

How about Core Cal/Mag?

The recommended daily allowance of calcium is 1,200 mg for women and 1,500 mg/day for post-menopausal women. Shakeology provides 500 mg of calcium, so it is recommended to supplement with Core Cal-Mag™ to meet the daily recommended allowance. Due to the digestive enzymes in Shakeology, taking Core Cal-Mag at the same time you drink Shakeology will help your body to better absorb the nutrients.

Does this mean I won’t have to eat veggies anymore?

Unfortunately, no. Fresh fruits and vegetables will always be important for a healthy, balanced diet. Shakeology can help you fill in the nutritional gaps that occur when you’re too busy to eat the right balance of fruits and veggies. Plus, it’s much easier to tuck Shakeology into a purse or backpack than a head of lettuce!

Is it OK to drink more than one shake per day? Or to replace more than one meal per day?

Yes, but it is not recommended to replace more than 2 meals per day.

There is no food coloring. How is one mix green and the other brown?

The ingredients (herbal powders, grass powders, vegetable powders, Spirulina, Chlorella, plus some of the fruit and berry powders) make the color green. The base of chocolate blend is also green, but the chocolate and cocoa powders turn the color “chocolate.”

Why does the Chocolate flavor have more protein?

The serving size for Chocolate is 8 grams higher than for Greenberry. The extra ingredients added for the chocolate blend (mostly chocolate powder and cocoa powder) add an additional 2 grams of protein to the serving size.

With what kind of protein is it made?

The primary source of protein is from whey, which comes from milk. Whey is one of the most bioavailable protein sources. Translation: it rapidly gets to work on repairing your muscles, and the amino acids are easily absorbed and used by your body.

Are the milk sources of protein antibiotic-free?

Yes, the whey protein used in Shakeology is free of antibiotics.

Is it a good source of fiber?

At 3 grams per 140 calories, Shakeology is a balanced source of fiber. More importantly, its fiber sources are varied, coming from apple pectin, flax, Chia meal, and Yacon. Yacon also happens to be one of the best prebiotic sources known to man.

Can I drink this right before a workout?

Shakeology would be a better option than a full meal prior to working out. However, if it’s immediately before a workout, you’d be better served by something with more sugar and less fiber for rapid absorption, such as the Results and Recovery Formula or Meal Replacement Shake.

Can I drink this right after a workout?

Again, it’s better than many other options available but less perfect than something designed primarily for this purpose, such as the Results and Recovery Formula.

Does it contain caffeine?

Shakeology contains no caffeine. It does contain green tea extract, but the caffeine has been removed.

Is Shakeology vegetarian?

Yes. In fact, the only non-vegan ingredient is whey protein, which comes from milk.

Are all of the ingredients organic?

With the complexity of sourcing over 70 ingredients from all over the world, it was not possible to certify all the ingredients as organic. However, they have been carefully selected and processed under strict controls to retain the highest density of nutrients possible.

Shakeology mentions “whole-food ingredients”—what does this mean? How can it be possible when it’s ground to a powder?

Shakeology uses several whole-food sources of nutrients rather than using only synthetic extracts or isolates (like some multivitamin pills). The benefit of whole-food-derived ingredients is that the nutrients are preserved as close to their natural state as possible and are therefore delivered to your body in the most holistic way possible. Your body will better absorb and more efficiently use the nutrients from whole-food sources. The process of converting a food from its natural state to a powder, if done incorrectly, can destroy the nutrients in that food. With Shakeology, we ensure the highest levels of nutrients are preserved through strict temperature-controlled drying and processing.

Can I mix this in with food I’m cooking/baking?

Cooking or heating Shakeology would destroy many of the nutrients in Shakeology and upset the nutrient balance. It’s highly recommended that you drink it at room temperature or cooler.

Is it safe for people with diabetes?

Because needs vary for each person with diabetes, it is recommended you check with your doctor first. However, since Shakeology is a low-caloric meal replacement with a lower glycemic index than most meals, it should be acceptable for most people with diabetes.

Can I give it to my kids? Is it safe for kids?

Because the needs of every child may vary, please check with your pediatrician. However, since Shakeology is a healthy drink with low sugar and a wide variety of nutrients, it is a much healthier option than many other drinks or snacks on the market and should be appropriate for most children over the age of 6. You may want to start out with a smaller serving size until you are sure of the child’s tolerance. It is not recommended to be given as a meal replacement for children younger than six years old without first checking with your pediatrician.

What about pregnant women and nursing mothers?

Shakeology should only be taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers under the direction of their physicians.

Is it safe for people with gluten allergies or celiac disease? It says gluten-free on the package, but the label lists wheatgrass and kamut grass as ingredients.

After extensive testing, Shakeology has been found to be 100 percent gluten-free. As such, Shakeology should be an appropriate snack or meal for people suffering from gluten allergies or celiac disease. However, since individual allergies and conditions vary, it is recommended to test a small dose first before proceeding with a full serving.

Does Shakeology interfere with any medication?

While Shakeology has been tested as safe for most people, you should always consult with your physician if you are on any medication (especially heart medication, since Shakeology contains Vitamin K1) or if you have any other unique health conditions.

True Shakeology is $119.95 for 30 days. Which breaks down further to about $4 a day. If we looked at that fact ONLY, we could say, “You’re right, it is expensive.” But Shakeology is a meal replacement. Now imagine if you will what it costs to get a meal, or some of us, a Starbucks. Just about the same. The exception is, Shakeology is good for you! Starbucks will fill you up with caffeine and sugar. Fast food will fill you up with fat, and vast amounts of calories. If you take a look at Shakeology from the meal perspective, and that it’s improving your fitness and nutrition, I think you will find that the price is fair, and also in the same ball park as what you would spend for lunch, a meal, or Starbucks.

If you have been thinking about signing up for the Beachbody Club, you can save 10% and pay only, $107.95. Ask me if you have questions about that. And if you’ve been considering becoming a Beachbody coach on my team of coaches, you can save 25%, and pay only $89.86!

Still want more? Join the Shakeology Forum now!

Get more information on Shakeology® and recipes at

To order, visit click above on “Products” and click any “shop now” link and you will be set up to go.

P90X- The Philosophy

The Philosophy

At the request of customers who wanted more after graduating from Beachbody's Power 90® program, we decided not to just offer a modest new level of fitness, but to raise the bar for every in-home program ever created. "Power 90 Extreme" morphed into "P90X," and from fitness to nutrition to supplements, no angle was overlooked.

How does P90X work?

Two words: Muscle Confusion. By providing an extensive variety of different moves that take time to master, P90X is continually challenging the body's muscles into new growth. The more you confuse the muscle, the harder your body has to work to keep up; the more variety you put into your workout, the better and faster your results will be.

Tony Horton showing sitting curl

The flaw with many fitness products is that they all lead to a "plateau" where the body becomes accustomed to the routines, resulting in diminished effectiveness. P90X avoids this plateau effect by switching things up to keep the body guessing for the entire 90 days. Which means IT NEVER GETS EASY. By breaking old routines and opening new doors, secondary and tertiary muscles are constantly being activated and developed.

What can you expect?

You can expect to develop skills, coordination, and flexibility you never dreamed possible. You can expect to sharpen your knowledge of smart eating and discover healthy diet choices. And you can expect to sweat. A lot.

Drea showing abs

So, what are you waiting for?

Join the extreme fitness revolution today!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Is P90X for you? Take the "Fit Test" to find out!

What you will need to take the Fit Test:

  • Heart rate monitor
  • Tape measure
  • Partner to help record data (optional)
  • Pull-up bar
  • Timer (stopwatch or watch with second hand)
  • Running shoes
  • Towel
  • Water
  • Your "Bring It" game face
Download the "Fit Test" here
Will need Adobe Reader

So, what are you waiting for? Join the revolution today and get into the most extreme shape of your life!

Tropical Greenberry Shakeology Smoothie Recipe

I made THE BEST Greenberry Shakeology smoothie that I've ever made today. Seeing that this winter is really starting to get to me, I'm focusing on warmer weather and all that comes with it, like yummy tropical drinks! Just add some Jimmy Buffett, kick off your shoes and visualize sitting on a nice, warm beach!

Tropical Greenberry Shakeology Smoothie
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 coconut milk
  • 1/2 milk (dairy, soy, almond, rice or hemp)
  • 1/4 cup dry, old fashioned oats (optional)
  • 1 tbs hemp seeds (optional)
  • 1 teas cinnamon
  • 1 scoop Greenberry Shakeology
  • 1 cup frozen tropical fruit mix (I used one made by Dole)
  • 1/4 cup frozen mango (I used one made by Dole)
  • ice, if needed
Add water, coconut milk, milk, oats (if using) and hemp seeds (if using). The oatmeal adds more fiber and makes it more of a meal than a snack and the hemp seeds add more protein and omega-3's. Let soak for a few minutes before adding the rest of the ingredients, if using oatmeal and hemp.

Add remaining ingredients, minus the ice, then blend. Add ice if needed, or additional water if too thick.

This usually makes at least 36 oz, so share with your kids, spouse, friends or keep it all to yourself! Enjoy!

P90X - Week One Recap

I completed week one of 13 this past week and wanted to recap some things of the experience and what I learned, to pass along to others just starting out this journey.
  1. Day one resulted it being REALLY sore on day two. I didn't even feel like I pushed myself overly hard, but I definitely felt it the next day.
  2. Plyo is also hard, but I do like it a lot, for the most part. There are certain exercises that make the legs burn terribly bad, but those are the most effective ones.
  3. Yoga X is long, but as Tony says, yoga is the fountain of youth. So do your yoga!
  4. Ab Ripper X: intense.
  5. Absolutely my favorite so far: Kenpo X. I'm not the most coordinated person in the world, but there's something about kickboxing rountine's that I just love.
  6. Start out with a little lighter weights while the body gets adjusted to the workout, but definitely kick up the weight pretty fast for max results.
  7. Resistance bands will give you a great workout too.
  8. Make sure you print out and use the P90X workout sheets (find them here). There is also a great Excel version where you can keep all your P90X data here.
  9. Take your before pics. That way you can be extra proud of your accomplishments when you are done. Plus, who knows? It could land you on a future P90X ad! Believe me, it does happen. My awesome Beachbody coach Taryn is one of them!
  10. If staying focused is a challenge for you, as it can be for me, get a calendar and write down your workouts, days and weeks left and mark the days off with a big, black X when you finish your workout. Put it up in the area you are doing your P90X so you can see your progress.
  11. Make sure you get enough sleep, especially when doing P90X. That is the time when the body does its recovery, so shoot for at least 7 hours of sleep a night.
Results from week one:
  1. I can definitely feel more definition in my arms and shoulders. Not sure if it is visible yet, but I can feel it.
  2. I lost 2 lbs.
  3. Between the workouts and daily Shakeology, I feel I have a lot more energy and don't get tired as easily.
  4. I am loving P90X so much that I've been motivated to start a boot camp here in Des Moines when the weather warms up that will revolve around P90X. Stay tuned for further details in the coming weeks!
I think that recaps things pretty well for week one. Week two will be ending in a few days, so will update more then!

Boot Camp Workout 2/8/10

This workout uses primary exercises found in the Beachbody program P90X. Please inquire for further information.

It is based on a 3-2-1 format- 6 minute circuits to maximize calorie burn.

Equipment required:
  • Mat
  • Dumbbells (prefer heavier set & lighter set; can sub w/ resistance band)
  • Resistance Band
  • Water
  • Towel

  1. Warm Up
    1. Hands to Knees- 60 sec (knees out last 30 sec)
    2. Run in place- 60 sec (Butt Kick last 30 sec)
    3. Lunges- 2 forward, 2 back (90 sec)
    4. Deep Prayer Squats (30 reps)
    5. Standing Quad Stretch
    6. Forward fold hamstring stretch
  2. Strength- 3 min
    1. Lawnmower- 15 reps each side
    2. Heavy Pants- 30 sec
    3. Deep Swimmers Press - 30 sec
    4. Repeat
  3. Cardio- 2 min
    1. Jump Shots- 30 one side
    2. Wacky Jacks- 30 sec
    3. Repeat (Jump Shots other side)
  4. Abs- 1 min
    1. Crunchy Frog- 1 min
  5. Strength- 3 min
    1. Super Skater- 30 each side
    2. Wall Squat- 60 sec (challenge: lift 1 leg for 15 sec then switch)
    3. Calf Raises- 15 fast, 10 slow, 3 sets (toes out, toes forward, toes in)
  6. Cardio- 2 min
    1. Run Lunges w/ arm raise- 30 sec
    2. Squat Jacks- 30 sec
    3. Repeat
  7. Abs- 1 min
    1. Fifer Scissors- 1 min
  8. Strength- 3 min
    1. Static Arm Curl- 16 total- sets of 4
    2. Side-Tri-Rise- 30 sec each side
    3. Upright Row- 15 reps max
  9. Cardio- 2 min
    1. Football Hero- 4 tires forward, 6 quick steps back- 1 min
    2. Hot Foot- Hop 1 foot in cross- 30 sec each foot
  10. Abs- 1 min
    1. Mason Twist- 1 min
  11. Cool down
    1. Downward Dog w/ calf stretches
    2. Cat/Cow
    3. Easy run in place w/ ballistic stretches
    4. Shakers
    5. Huggers
    6. Wide feet forward fold
    7. Standing quad stretch

Boot Camp Workout 1/25/10

This workout uses primary exercises found in the Beachbody programs P90X  and  Insanity. Please inquire for further information.

It is based on a 3-2-1 format- 6 minute circuits to maximize calorie burn.

Equipment required:

  • Mat
  • Dumbbells (prefer heavier set and lighter set; can sub w/ resistance band)
  • Resistance Band
  • Water
  • Towel

  1. Warm up
    1. Run- 30 sec
    2. Jacks- 30 sec
    3. Rope- 30 sec
    4. Monster kicks- 30 sec
    5. Repeat
  2. Strength- 3 min (with weights)
    1. Lawnmower- 30 sec (1 side)
    2. Back fly- 30 sec
    3. Alt. shoulder press- 30 sec
    4. Repeat (2nd side Lawnmower)
  3. Cardio- 2 min
    1. Switchkicks- 1 min
    2. Power Jacks- 1 min
  4. Abs- 1 min
    1. Bicycle Crunch- 1 min
  5. Strength- 3 min (use with or without weights)
    1. Crossover (Bowlers) Lunge- 30 sec (1 side)
    2. One legged squat- 30 sec (1 side)
    3. Sumo Squat- 30 sec
    4. Repeat (2nd side Crossover lunge & One legged squat)
  6. Cardio- 2 min
    1. Burpy- 1 min
    2. Buttkick- 1 min
  7. Abs- 1 min
    1. Boat pose
  8. Strength- 3 min
    1. Standard pushups- 1 min
    2. Plank w/ optional leg raise- 1 min
    3. Dive bomber pushups- 1 min
  9. Cardio- 2 min
    1. Powerknees- 1 min
    2. Globe jumps- 1 min
  10. Abs- 1 min
    1. Straight legged donkeny kick- 1 min
  11. Strength- 3 min
    1. Surrender (Up Down's)- 1 min
    2. Lunch lady arms- 1 min
    3. Plank w/ optional arm raise- 1 min
  12. Cardio- 2 min
    1. Switchkicks- 1 min (use chair or stool when available)
    2. Mountain Climbers- 1 min
  13. Abs- 1 min
    1. Bridge w/ weight (optional)- 1 min
  14. Strength- 3 min
    1. Lunge w/ twist (1 handweight or medicine ball)- 30 sec
    2. Squat-Curl-Press- 30 sec
    3. Pushup Jacks- 30 sec
    4. Repeat
  15. Cardio- 2 min
    1. Jump rope- 1 min
    2. Speed punches in sumo squat- 1 min
  16. Abs- 1 min
    1. Oblique Crunch- 1 min
  17. Cooldown
    1. Downward Dog
    2. Upward Dog
    3. Cat/Cow
    4. Standing Quad Stretch
    5. Forward Fold Hamstring Stretch
    6. Overhead Tricep Stretch
    7. Shoulder Stretch

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Attention P90X yoga-haters! Here's Tony's take on yoga:

Okay you P90X yoga-haters! You know who you are, I've seen it on Twitter, Facebook and the message boards. Here is what our mentor and trainer, Mr. Tony Horton himself says about yoga. Take a look: 

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Healthy Fundraising Ideas

Are you looking for a healthy fundraiser as a school fundraiser, church fundraiser, Little League fundraiser, benefit fundraiser or to raise money for your charity?
Well, here's a healthy way to have a fundraiser where everyone will benefit. Instead of selling unhealthy candy and sweets or things that people will buy just to help out and not really benefit from, why not sell online fitness and weight loss club memberships!

Why Promote a Healthy Fundraiser
Team Beachbody Club memberships are great school fundraisers through the Parent Teachers Association, for example, church fundraisers for individual ministries within the church, Little League fundraisers for travel and so forth. These days, everyone needs to lose a little weight and be more fit and healthy, so why not promote a healthy fundraiser and sell three month online fitness club memberships as a way to raise money for your cause.

Healthy Fundraiser Success Story
The Tremont Elementary School PTA in Columbus, Ohio, sold Shaun T's Fit Kids™ Club DVDs for a fundraiser. They've been using the program for indoor recess and after-school latchkey programs. It worked so well that they're going to start selling it at other schools in the district next year. As a result, PTA president/Coach Sara Royer created an opportunity to sell adult fitness programs to parents for even more fundraising!
From Texas, Coach Stephanie Richardson shares how Shaun T's Fit Kids™ Club is helping kids in her area get healthy. "We went to a Vendor Fair for our school district to promote the Shaun T's Fit Kids Club videos as a fundraiser. The reception was tremendous. We've put together a packet to give to the school principals along with a FREE video of Shaun T's Fit Kids Club for the Physical Education teacher to play during class. Texas just passed a new fitness initiative in the schools so this couldn't have come at a better time! The kids LOVE the DVD, too! We are hoping to have a 'Fit Kids Month' where each campus participates. The children will commit to exercising 3 to 4 times a week and make healthy food choices. Those who stick with it will be entered into a drawing. Along with this contest, we are going to have other contests for parents and teachers. We are anxious to start in the fall in several of the schools in our district and neighboring districts. Wouldn't it be great to replace Cookie Dough Sales with Fitness Products?"

Monday, February 8, 2010

Shakeology® – 4 PACK TRAIL & 7 DAY SAMPLE PACK

The Healthiest Shake Around..... The World!

Why you need Shakeology® – NOW!

Shakeology can help you:

* Lose weight
* Reduce cravings
* Increase energy and stamina
* Promote healthy digestion and regularity
* Lower cholesterol

Tastes delicious, too.

How Shakeology works
  • Ingredients derived from whole-food sources deliver the daily vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients your body needs to curb cravings, allowing it to shed stored fat.
  • More than 20 different antioxidants and phytonutrients help reduce free radical damage that can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure, and stroke.
  • Fiber, prebiotics, and digestive enzymes help your body gently eliminate toxins more efficiently and promote better absorption of nutrients.*
What’s in Shakeology?
  • Protein and essential amino acids help build muscles and reduce food cravings.
  • Prebiotics and digestive enzymes aid in improving digestion, regularity, and nutrient absorption.
  • Antioxidants and phytonutrients help counteract free radical damage that can lead to degenerative diseases.
  • A daily dose of vitamins and minerals provides your body what it needs to function for optimal health.
Three reasons to drink Shakeology


Get your Shakeology®:

  • 7 Day Sample PackChoose Chocolate, Greenberry or a combination of both for only $29.75!
  • 4 Pack Trial- Get 2 Chocolate and 2 Greenberry to decide which is your favorite!Only $16.99!
  • FREE gifts when you sign up for Home Direct, the monthly autoship program
    • FREE shipping every month†
    • 2 FREE Workout DVDs in your first shipment†
    • FREE Shakeology Shaker Cup in your second shipment
    30-Day Money Back Guarantee If you don’t start to see and feel the benefits of Shakeology within the first month of using it, or if you’re not 100% satisfied for any reason, just return it within 30 days for a full refund of the purchase price, less s&h—guaranteed. That’s our promise to you.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

P90X- Take Two!

I did P90X, the revolutionary at home workout with Tony Horton, a while ago. It is a 90 day program that is based on muscle confusion to get you into the best shape of entire life. The first time, I did get into great shape, that's for sure. What's also for sure is that I didn't make it all the way through the 90 days. I can't remember now exactly what day I made it through, but I did make it most of the way. So, the other day I decided that I was going to go at it again. This time, I have a plan. I have a calendar in my workout area with the workout of the day written on it (from the guide that comes with the program) as well as how many days and weeks are left. It is a total of 13 weeks and this time I am going to do "Doubles" which doesn't actually start until week 5. In the meantime, I am going to do an extra sort of workout during the day, like Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs or The Biggest Loser Wii Game.

Why does P90X work?

P90X holds the advantage over other fitness programs due to a revolutionary training technique known as "Muscle Confusion." This technique promotes fast results by continually introducing new workouts and moves so that your body never fatigues. Whether your fitness goals include getting lean or bulking up, P90X offers a large variety of options and the flexibility to combine different workouts to keep you inspired. Be sure to check out the P90X Fitness Test before you start.

What you'll receive with the all-inclusive P90X program:
  • P90X 3-Phase Nutrition Guide
  • P90X Fitness Guide
  • "How to Bring It" video
12 intensive p90x workouts:
  • Chest and Back
  • Plyometrics
  • Shoulders and Arms
  • Yoga X
  • Legs and Back
  • Kenpo X
  • X Stretch
  • Core Synergistics
  • Chest, Shoulders and Triceps
  • Back and Biceps
  • Ab Ripper X
  • Cardio X
Motivational Tools
  • Free Online Support Tools
  • P90X Calendar
Don't wait another minute!

All it takes is an hour per day to feel and look better than you ever have. All you'll need is a dumbbell set, or resistance bands and a pull up bar.

Buy P90X and try it for 90 days with no obligation. If you are not totally satisfied, simply return the product for a full refund of the purchase price minus shipping and handling. Feel free to keep the ab ripper X workout and 3-phase nutrition plan as our gifts to you! P90X will make you lose weight!

P90X Recommended Equipment
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